Patch v4

In v4 update there are again two new features: Spawn walls setting and experimental point calculation.

New Spawn walls setting is very self explanatory, when enabled occasionally spawns a wall the player needs to avoid. Collision with the player is checked on the head and hands. Note: there are two wall types that are meant to interact with specific setting which is not yet in game.

The second big thing is point calculation - no more flat 10 points! The basic idea is to gain more points for the more difficult setting you choose/enable. So, for example, when you enable Reset selection on contact you will get extra points for each correct selection, extra points when the Show lines option is turned off, the faster the block moves the more points you get, etc. I will not go into specific details as the values will change, but you get the idea. My ultimate goal is to balance point gains so that both “body” and “mind” game types get roughly the same scores so that you can adjust gameplay according to your preference and still be able to get high scores. Please keep in mind not all settings are meant to be enabled at the same time - I mean you most definitely can turn them together but difficulty will skyrocket.

The other changes are mostly bug fixes and updating code for new and upcoming features.

Full patch notes:

  • UI is still a mess, be warned!
  • Fixed bug with default block face material
  • New Spawn walls setting. Enable to occasionally spawn walls you need to avoid. Successfully avoid to earn points.
  • Added experimental score point calculations (will be balanced in the future)
  • Added 2 new music tracks
  • Added 1 new block face
  • Updated “How to play” section with new mechanics


AoAAC_PreAlfa_Demo_v4.apk 75 MB
Feb 15, 2021

Get Attack on Aera City

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