My first game

So here I am publishing my first game ever!

Right at the beginning I want to say, I have no idea what I am doing. I started with game development as a part-time hobby near the end of 2019 with no prior knowledge or education. I had to learn working in Unity how to make 3D models, textures, how to edit sounds…… and scripting…..oh boy.  

Since I have spent a significant part of 2020 at home, I had time to really get into it. I originally created this game as a part of another game but I am stuck with that one so I made this one into a separate game :-)

Right now it is very barebone but I have a lot of plans so hopefully it will become something people might enjoy in the future.

For those interested, I am maintaining a google document with my ideas and notes regarding the development here:

Get Attack on Aera City

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